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The series is structured like a 6-week course, you can complete it at your own pace. Here are some highlights of what you can expect.
Series Structure:
Week 1: Consciousness
Begin your journey with a focus on self-discovery and personal growth. This week is dedicated to understanding yo... -
Clinica de Amor | Sanar & Crecer Post Ruptura
15 videos | Rent $9.99 | Buy $54.99
Navega el dolor de una ruptura con claridad y valentía a través de este paquete transformador. “O - adiÓs” te ayuda a cerrar capítulos con gracia y procesar el desamor, mientras que “C - Conciencia” te guía a reconectar contigo mismo, redescubriendo tus valores y tu fuerza interior. Juntos, estos...
Love Clinic | Healing & Growth After a Breakup
15 videos | Rent $9.99 | Buy $54.99
Navigate the pain of a breakup with clarity and courage through this transformative bundle. “O - Saying Goodbye” helps you gracefully close chapters and process heartbreak, while “C - Consciousness” guides you to reconnect with yourself, rediscovering your values and inner strength. Together, the...
39 videos | Buy $297
CRUDO English
39 videos | Buy $297
CRUDO is a six-week, immersive course designed to help you cultivate and nurture the garden of your relationships. From understanding yourself to navigating the complexities of connection, conflict, and closure, CRUDO provides a structured, supportive environment for mastering every stage of rela...
39 videos | Buy $297
CRUDO Español
39 videos | Buy $297
CRUDO es un curso transformador de seis semanas diseñado para revolucionar cómo abordas las relaciones, desde el autoconocimiento hasta las conexiones significativas, pasando por todas las etapas del ciclo de una relación. Ya sea que estés buscando formar nuevos vínculos, profundizar una conexión...